Sunday, October 05, 2008

My First 5K

So, at the tender age of 48, I've completed my first ever 5K race. I ran in the Reggae Run and despite the challenging course, I not only finished, but I still had a smile on my face near the end. It really was a lot of fun and I can see why people get hooked on running races.

I finished in 41 minutes. Obviously I'm not going to be breaking any records but I'm tickled that I did that well and that I never broke out of a run even on the hills. I just ran slower - much slower. Walkers could pass me by, but that's fine and dandy. Now I've set my sights on the 10K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning - training begins tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Congratulations! I'm so proud of you.

Lily Secret said...

Thanks sweetie. I appreciate the congrats much!

Unknown said...

You look great, lily secret. I'd be crawling after 5 K. Way to go!