Sunday, February 24, 2008

Remembering Trinidad

I feel like I've been very busy all weekend and yet haven't accomplished much. The laundry is still unfolded and the floors still unvacuumed. But I did scan about three dozen photographs from my trip to Trinidad 11 years ago (my brother-in-law wants them for a slide show) and I cooked up a load of Indian food. There's chana dal and a couple of other curry vegetable dishes on the lunch menu for tomorrow.

I went and saw Sweeney Todd with some friends at the Aronoff Center downtown yesterday afternoon. I liked it - but didn't love it. I was quite dazzled with the skill of the cast even so; I don't know how anyone managed to find so many people who could play a musical instrument and sing and act.

At the grocery store this afternoon I bought some wine that was marked down as discontinued. One of the bottles I purchased was Boutari Kretikos (from Crete). I'd never heard of it before, but I did a little research and it's got some fine reviews. I think I'll swing back by the store on my way home tomorrow and buy the rest of the bottles; there weren't very many and it was quite a good price.

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