Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Clean Ramps
Originally uploaded by dano272
There's a native American seasonal delicacy I've not had the pleasure of trying yet - ramps. Ramps are a member of the onion family and occur throughout much of the Appalachian Mountains. Their potency is legendary; one meal of ramps is supposed to linger for days, the odor emanating from the skin of the consumer. I'm willing to take that chance. There are many ramp festivals held in the spring across the Appalachians. It looks like the nearest one to Cincinnati is held in Richwood, West Virginia. The town hosts the Feast of the Ramson each April. I may not make it this year but it's now on my list of places to visit and things to do. In the meantime I'm going to keep an eye out for ramps on my hikes. A college professor of mine told me they do occur in Ohio, but they are scarce. I have a notion of a place to check next month; I'll have to study some photos to be sure I get the identification right. Although I imagine the smell will be a dead giveaway.

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