Sunday, January 06, 2008

Forecast: Dreary

Winter seed heads
Originally uploaded by lilysecret42
It's amazing how much just getting outside can lift my spirits. I felt sluggish and kind of blue when I woke this morning, but I put on my backpack and boots, grabbed my camera and headed outside anyway. I walked about two and a half miles around Glenwood Gardens, got a few good snaps and was entirely revitalized by the time I got home.

Tonight I made Sunchokes, otherwise known as Jeruselum Artichokes for the first time. They are a knobbly tuber from a type of sunflower. They are hard to peel because of their irregular shape and though some websites advised not peeling them at all, I thought the skin was too unappealing to leave in place. So I boiled a pound of them in their skins for about 25 minutes until I could poke a fork in easily, let cool, peeled, sliced and put them in an oiled pie dish. Then I sprinkled them with a quarter cup of Parmesan cheese, dotted with butter and baked at 400 degrees for twenty minutes until the cheese was a bit browned.

They were really good; a lot like potato but with a faint artichoke flavor. I'll definitely bring them home again.

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