Thursday, January 24, 2008

So cranky

It's been just an exhausting day, compounded by the fact that Neighbor Girl decided Wednesday night was a good night to stay up -loudly- until 4:00 AM. The topper was Neighbor Girl's Stupid Friend hollering for her outside my window at 2:30 AM. When he got no response (not surprising, since she lives on the other side of the building,) he started throwing things at my window. Who does that? He got yelled at and and Neighbor Girl got a nasty note on her door this evening. I feel like such a grump, but dammit, I did lose three hours sleep to her shenanigans.

I vegged out to Animal Planet for a little while this evening and learned a new word in the process: Patagium

pa·ta·gi·um (pə-tā'jē-əm)
n. pl. pa·ta·gi·a (-jē-ə)

1. A thin membrane extending between the body and a limb to form a wing or winglike extension, as in bats and flying squirrels.
2. An expandable membranous fold of skin between the wing and body of a bird.

[Latin patagium, gold edging on a woman's tunic, perhaps from Greek *patageion, from patagos, clatter, of imitative origin .]

pa·ta'gi·al (-jē-əl) adj.

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